Social Work

Admissions Open

NorQuest?s Social Work diploma program has a unique multicultural focus to best prepare you to help your clients. In addition to learning the foundations of social work, this program emphasizes the value of human diversity and teaches the practice of social work within a supportive and empowering environment.

Additional information




Norquest College

Program Categories

Community Studies

Program Duration

5 or 6 terms

Program Intakes


Class Type



Alberta Student Aid, Grants

Career opportunities
Graduates are employed in government and non-governmental settings in areas such as child and youth protection, addictions counseling, family support, and other related helping disciplines. Graduates can pursue careers that deal directly and indirectly with child neglect, foster care, juvenile offenders, family conflict and individual emotional problems, and may expect to work with individuals, families, groups, and communities.

For more information on related careers see:

ALIS OCCinfo occupational profiles
ALIS WAGEinfo salary info

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