Professional Office?Assistant

Admissions Open

Start a rewarding career as an Office Assistant to have the opportunity to work in a wide range of industries. You will learn the up-to-date skills that are valuable in today's modern office.

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Bredin College

Program Categories


Program Duration

26 Weeks

Program Intakes
Class Type



Alberta Student Aid, Line Of Credit

26 Week* Office Assistant Career Training?Program
A strong foundation in Office Assistant training can open a lot of doors. From high finance to small businesses, most organizations rely on capable office staff to run efficiently.
If you are an organized individual who enjoys working with and helping others and you are looking to get established in a steady professional career, focused Office Assistant training could be an excellent opportunity.
Tuition Fees ? $7,000
Books & Other Fees ? $1,393
The best way to see if the Bredin College office assistant program is the right fit for you is to book a tour. Schedule a tour now.
Become a Qualified Office Assistant
The Office Assistant Diploma Program from Bredin College provides the?hands-on training, real-world experience and industry support it takes to pursue a rewarding career,?without spending years in school.
Classes are?led by dedicated instructors. As a student, you will train on industry-current software and get up-to-date skills in areas employers look for, including:
Keyboarding?& Introduction to Computers
Microsoft?Office Skills?? Outlook, Word Core, Word Expert, Excel Core, ?Excel Expert, Access and PowerPoint
Business Writing
Skills for Success
Office Procedures
Customer Relations
Professional Communication Skills
Career Strategies
Practicum Placement

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