Effective BusinessWriting

Admissions Open

Do you have a nagging suspicion that a small improvement in your writing skills might also improve your career prospects? Don?t let small gaps in your business writing skills prevent you from reaching your full potential!

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Heritage College

Program Categories


Program Duration

6 Weeks

Program Intakes
Class Type



Alberta Student Aid, Scholarship, Grant

Do you have a nagging suspicion that a small improvement in your writing skills might also improve your career prospects? Don?t let small gaps in your business writing skills prevent you from reaching your full potential!It doesn?t matter whether you?re a clerical worker, an engineer, or an executive. If you communicate with others in writing, you need this course to help you identify and eliminate problem areas. By the end of this course, you?ll know the secret to developing powerful written documents that immediately draw readers in and keep them motivated to continue until your very last, well-chosen word.

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