Disability Support Worker

Admissions Open

As a Disability Support Worker (DSW), you assist those living with mental and physical disabilities to improve their overall quality of life.

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Nova Scotia


Maritime Business College

Program Categories


Program Duration

14 Months

Program Intakes


Class Type



Nova Scotia Student Assistance, Line Of Credit

Improve Someone?s Quality of?Life
Are you a supporter of change, equality, and inclusivity?
Are you caring, kind, and possess a sensitive personality with a desire to break down barriers in the lives of others??
If so, a career as a Disability Support Worker is right for you!
As a Disability Support Worker (DSW), you assist those living with mental and physical disabilities to improve their overall quality of life. Working closely with persons with disabilities, DSWs identify the needs of each person and make a difference in their lives by alleviating loneliness, providing empathy, ensuring comfort, encouraging independence and promoting the person?s self-respect. DSWs are compassionate and understanding individuals, with strong communication and listening skills, who seek to provide the best possible support and care for their clients by developing strategies to help them navigate their daily lives with comfort and confidence. DSWs work with many different individuals facing a variety of mental and physical challenges, from behavioural disorders, to brain injuries, and learning disabilities.
The best way to see if Maritime Business College is the right fit for you is to come and tour the school. You can tour our facilities and meet with students and instructors. Schedule a tour now or Get more info.

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