Digital Media Studies

Admissions Open

The Digital Media Studies (DMS) program (Diploma level) provides an academic pathway for international and resident students whose first language is not English (and do not meet the general English requirements for University entry) to gain the competencies in the field of digital media. On completion of the program, students can progress onto further academic options or follow a career path in digital media.


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British Columbia


Pacific Link College

Program Categories


Program Duration

10 Months

Class Type



StudentAid BC

Program Overview (Program approved by PTIB)The Digital Media Studies (DMS) program (Diploma level) provides an academic pathway for international and resident students whose first language is not English (and do not meet the general English requirements for University entry) to gain the competencies in the field of digital media. On completion of the program, students can progress onto further academic options or follow a career path in digital media.
Interested student whos ESL competencies are below the minimum language proficiency requirements for the DMS Diploma program can be placed in our Intensive English for Digital Media program at the college.
The DMS program explores the interrelationship between digital media and information technology as well as new media design. Students will simultaneously upgrade their English competencies while exploring theoretical knowledge.
The Digital Media Diploma program includes seven courses of 80 hours (4 credits) each, totalling 560 hours (28 credits).

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