Canada - An Education Powerhouse

Canada – An Education Powerhouse 

There is no doubt in stating that Canada has become one of the most favourite study destinations. This is mostly due to the remarkable academic excellence, convenience, diversity, and opportunities offered by Canadian universities and colleges. When it comes to the quality of education, 26 Canadian universities were ranked in QS World University Ranking 2022, while 10 Canadian Universities were ranked in the top 250 according to The World University Ranking 2022

Strong College System

Did you know Canada is among global leaders when it comes to reading and math schools according to a recent Organization of Economic Co-operation Development (OCED) assessment? Serving approximately 2.15 million students and over 40 thousand training providers and educators, Canada is home to more than 230 universities and colleges, and a leading OCED country with the highest percentage of young people aged 25-34 holding a post-secondary qualification (73%). This is due to the strength of the Canadian college system. The younger students with a college diploma are three times more than the average of other OECD countries (24% versus 8%), reflecting the importance of this sector in Canada.  

Funding Options

Many domestic and international students also choose Canadian colleges due to tuition fees. Canadian colleges and universities offer affordable tuition fees compared to universities and colleges abroad for domestic students, especially in the US and UK. Canadian colleges and universities also offer multiple scholarships, financial aid, as well as government grants which makes postsecondary more affordable.  

Looking to enroll in Canadian colleges and programs? Check out our custom program navigator help you find the best study option: 

Opportunities during and after graduation 

Apart from exceptional academic excellence, many students choose Canadian universities and colleges for amazing prospective opportunities during and after graduation. Due to special regulations, Canada allows all its international students up to 20 hours per week working opportunities. This can include any opportunity on campus or outside in any company. Furthermore, students can also work full-time during the summer and winter breaks just to earn those extra bucks. For after graduations, Canada’s Post-Graduation Work Permit Program (PWPP) known across the globe, allows students to stay and work in Canada for up to three years after graduation. Most graduating students enroll in the PWPP to gain work experience as well as apply for permanent residency. 

A bright future 

Despite the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and changing demographics, most postsecondary universities and colleges were quick to adapt to the challenges caused by the pandemic and already have plans to overcome the strides.  Many institutions have started to transform, optimize, and adopt disruptive teaching methodologies including a hybrid model to provide functional efficiencies in the student learning process. Despite COVID-19 restriction, Canadian universities and colleges saw student enrollment of 2.16 million in 2019 and 2.18 million in 2020 according to Statista Canada. Given the circumstances of 2020 and 2021, Many Canadian institutions see this as a time for optimism, innovation, and bold thinking – a new way forward!  

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