Video Game Designer Diploma Program

Admissions Open

Gain knowledge in level design, environment modelling, story boarding, Unity3D, Html5, JavaScript, Unreal Engine, character and asset modelling using 3DS Max / Maya for the creation of ultra-realistic environmental assets.

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Trillium College

Program Categories


Program Duration

16 Months

Program Intakes
Class Type



OSAP, Second Career, WSIB, LLP

Video Game Designer Diploma Program
Learn via live instructor-led virtual lectures completely online.
Think playing video games is fun? Just wait until you start making them! Trillium College?s Video Game Designer diploma program gives you the all the training and skills you need to kick off an exciting career in the video game design industry.
Why choose Trillium College for this program? Our Video Game Designer program stands out because it puts a heavy focus on the artistic and transmedia skills required in this highly creative industry. We will show you how to take your graphics further with our courses in concept art, 3D modelling, level and ultra-realistic environmental asset design, the Adobe suite of software and much more. Also, this course will teach you the computer programming and problem-solving skills this industry requires.
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Areas of?Focus
Interested in the nitty gritty of what we cover? This academic program covers information in the following subject areas:
Game Analysis and Technical Design
Level and Asset Design
Concept Art and Animation
Character Modelling using 3DS Max / Maya
Environment Modelling
C++ Programming for Game Development
Unreal Engine
Scripting in Video Games
Mobile Game Design
Game Design for Social Networks
In conjunction with your in-class activities, you will complete a demo reel of your projects showcasing your accomplishments in the program.
Employment Opportunities
As a graduate of Trillium College?s Video Game Designer program, you may find exciting work as an environment modeller, animator, level designer, mission scripter, game designer, technical artist, QA engineer, web designer, visual effects producer, writer or storyboarder.
Upon successfully graduating from the program and earning their Video Game Designer diploma, students will qualify to apply for a number of positions, including:
Environment Modeler
Level Designer
Mission Scripter
Game Designer
Technical Artist
QA Engineer
Visual Effects Producer
Story Boarder
Web Designer
According to updated information on *
Admission Requirements
Ontario Secondary School Diploma or Mature Student Status
*Program temporarily being offered via online delivery as approved by the Superintendent of Private Career Colleges.
Starting January 1st, 2022 ? This Program will be Available for Daytime and Evening Classes to Accommodate Busy Schedules.

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