Supply Chain and Logistics Management

Admissions Open

Supply Chain and Logistics Management involves the five aspects of the supply chain, including Planning, Sourcing (raw materials), Manufacturing (productivity, efficiency), Delivery and Logistics, and Returns. The supply chain manager tries to minimize shortages in inventory and keep expenses low through careful planning and relationships with suppliers. The role is about logistics and purchasing inventory, but also about improving operational productivity, quality, and efficiency, which impact the company?s net profit. Graduates can work in manufacturing, aerospace, defense, and energy for small and large domestic or international companies.

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CIMT College

Program Categories


Program Duration

52 Weeks

Program Intakes
Class Type



CSAP Funding, Second Career

KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS GAINED Student will research the history of Supply Chains and their evolution, right up to the most current methods being used by companies around the world. Students will be able to distinguish between different elements of Supply Chain and analyze the importance of supply chains and technology to the organizations with the overall goal of improving the efficiency and cost effectiveness of their supply chain. Students learn communication techniques to help them with the negotiation process, as well as how to facilitate a multi-party negotiation. Students learn about lean production and lean thinking, as well as how to manage inventories and source materials effectively with attention to economies of scale. Graduates will understand short term and long term forecasting and identify the principles to be applied for forecasting. Students will be able to explain the role transportation plays in the supply chain as well as understand key activities involved in transportation planning and execution. NEXT PROGRAM START DATES Call for Online Schedule Select Campus/Location Toggle Dropdown Online Campus Mississauga Malton Campus Mississauga Trades Brampton Campus Mississauga Dundas Campus Scarborough Campus Hamilton Concession Campus Hamilton King Campus All Campus START DATEEND DATEDAYTIMINGCAMPUSSTATUSREGISTER April 18, 2022 May 3, 2023 MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI 5:00 PM – 10:00 PM Online Campus Register Now Register Now April 25, 2022 May 10, 2023 MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM Brampton Campus Register Now Register Now April 25, 2022 May 10, 2023 MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM Online Campus Register Now Register Now June 2, 2022 June 19, 2023 MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM Online Campus Register Now Register Now June 13, 2022 June 12, 2023 MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Brampton Campus Register Now Register Now July 25, 2022 August 19, 2023 MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Brampton Campus Register Now Register Now September 28, 2022 September 29, 2023 MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI 4:00 PM – 9:00 PM Brampton Campus Register Now Register Now November 14, 2022 November 20, 2023 MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Brampton Campus Register Now Register Now January 16, 2023 January 31, 2024 MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM Brampton Campus Register Now Register Now February 6, 2023 February 20, 2024 MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Brampton Campus Register Now Register Now May 1, 2023 May 15, 2024 MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI 4:00 PM – 9:00 PM Brampton Campus Register Now Register Now September 11, 2023 September 26, 2024 MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI 4:00 PM – 9:00 PM Brampton Campus Register Now Register Now View All Schedules Contact us directly for other start dates Seats Available Seats Available Limited Seats Class Full $(document).ready(function () { “use strict”; BindScheduleTable(); }); //this section find your partial postback and rebind after postback end. var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance(); prm.add_endRequest(function () { BindScheduleTable(); }); function BindScheduleTable() { $(‘.jid-schedule-table-1’).footable(); var rowcount = $(“.jid-scheduletablerow-1”).length; //Showing view more less button for schedulerows greater than 5 / else disable if (rowcount > 5) { //initiate to hide table rows greater than 5, gt zero based index $(‘.jid-scheduletablerow-1:gt(4)’).hide(); $(“#ScheduleTableViewAll-1”).click(function () { if ($(“.jid-scheduletablerow-1:gt(4)”).is(“:visible”)) { $(“.jid-scheduletablerow-1:gt(4)”).hide(100); $(“#ScheduleTableViewAll-1”).html(“ View All Schedules”).removeClass().addClass(“btn btn-lg btn-block btn-orange”); } else { $(“.jid-scheduletablerow-1:gt(4)”).show(800); $(“#ScheduleTableViewAll-1”).html(“ View Less Schedules”).removeClass().addClass(“btn btn-lg btn-block btn-blue”); } }); } else { $(‘#ScheduleTableViewAll-1’).hide(); } } PRE-REQUISITES: Ontario Secondary School Diploma or equivalent OR Mature Student Status PROGRAM OUTLINE Computer Fundamentals and Internet:? Introduces to computing fundamentals, internet and windows operating system. Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint:? Introduces to the skills, training and assessment of computing concepts and techniques to gain proficiency in word processing, spread sheet functions and impact of computing on the present day society. Microsoft Outlook:? Introduces to the basic and intermediate features of Outlook to manage messages for efficient communication and to organize appointments and duties. English I:? Introduces to college level English reading and writing skills to develop grammar, vocabulary and paragraph development. Introduction to Supply Chain:? This course develops the basic understanding of Supply Chain for students. It introduces the students on how this stream of business has evolved to be one of the key functions within an Organization. Today Supply Chain is considered a key force that has the ability to develop competitive advantage for the businesses and help them succeed. Good understanding of supply chain functions will help students to identify their areas of interest and focus on those areas to succeed in this field. Financial Accounting I:? Introduces to objectives and fundamental concepts of accounting, analyzing and recording of financial transactions; preparation of income statements; accounting for merchandising business, fund flow analysis, payroll accounting and employer?s payroll expenses. Cross Culture Management:? Today’s corporations understand the need for diversity awareness, especially in a country like Canada which is has huge influx of immigrants and one of the most culturally diverse. Unfortunately although there is so much talk and awareness about cultural diversity, but most organizations lack an effective organizational strategy. This course develops better understanding of cultural diversity and provides strategies to make organizations more acceptable and better places to work. Supply Chain Technology: Technological advancements have huge impact in every area of an organization and off course Supply chain is no different. Supply chains have realized the importance of using technologies like ERP system, WMS systems, RFID, Barcodes, cloud computing, etc., to stay competitive in their areas of business. Supply chain technology will focus on the key trends shaping supply chains industry today and in near future. Business Values and Ethics:? Introduces the categories and framework of philosophical ethics in selected professions and the role of the government and issues of corporate governance. Transportation:? This course will emphasize on the importance of different modes of transportation and efficient flow of products. Inventory is considered to be the life blood of supply chains and transportation is the pumping heart that moves products throughout the system. Effective product movement is essential for the success of manufacturers, distributors, and retailers. Transportation manages movement of goods within and across the country in efficient, economical and effective way. The trend of outsourcing manufacturing to low cost countries has resulted in increased emphasis on effective transportation. Logistics Management:? Logistics Management is a critical component of Supply Chain that deals with transportation, warehousing, material handling, sourcing and end to end planning. Transportation carriers over the period of time have applied themselves to understand their customer?s needs and provided more value added services hence evolving themselves to provide end to end logistics solutions. This subject will provide the students good understanding of how to analyze the customer?s needs and develop complete logistics solutions. International Business and Marketing: Looks at business environments, financial transactions, and international marketing. Also looks at role of multinational enterprise, role of culture, legal technological and political forces including emerging trends and issues related to international management. Examines the impact of economic, cultural, political, legal, and environmental influences on worldwide marketing opportunities.? Explores products, international distribution and promotion strategies. Order Management:? Customer relationship management is the art and science of strategically positioning customers to improve the profitability of the organization and enhance its relationships with its customer base. CRM, however, has not been widely used in the business-to-business environment until lately. Traditionally, manufacturers and distributors are more adept at and actively involved in order execution, which involves filling and shipping what their customers order. Today, more manufacturers and distributors are becoming adept at and actively involved in influencing how their customers order. This course will help students to identify their role in order management and learn the essential skills. Distribution Management:? Distribution Management covers many different activities and processes including inventory, warehousing, packaging, collecting and organizing information and distribution of the products and services. Trends like globalization and outsourcing played a huge role in expansion of Distribution Management. As supply chains become longer, it has become more important for organizations to make them agile and responsive by effective distribution management of products and services. Purchase and Supply Management:? This course provides the participants with understanding of Purchasing and Supply Management at the basic level. It will help to understand the role of purchasing within an organization and its importance. It will review the basic terminology and develop a good understanding of the overall expectation for individuals who want to pursue it as a career. Inventory Management:? Inventory management is one of the key tasks for a supply chain professional. Good inventory management deals with reviewing business requirements, managing supplier, planning, flow of goods and operations management. It is very important for organizations to develop their Inventory Management strategies in line with their business strategy and develop competitive advantage in their market place. Forecasting and Planning:? Forecasting is one of the critical functions of an organization. Forecasts can be used to plan facilities, production schedules, staffing allocation, capacity planning, and future sales. Forecasting in a way is close to predicting the future, which is almost impossible but with better forecasting techniques we can improve the relative accuracy of our forecasts over extended time period. Negotiations:? Negotiation is a process by which individuals work together to resolve difference and reach to an agreement. Negotiation is used in many situations; purchasing products from suppliers, selling products to customers, prioritize delivery schedules, industrial disputes, etc. This course provides participants with negotiation strategies to use within their daily life and their professional life. It teaches the participants to focus on the outcome to drive towards a favorable outcome for all parties involved. Risk Management:? Business leaders spend significant time and resources on building long-term strategies and managing risks. One of the critical roles of management is to make informed decisions and these decisions are based on short term or long term assessment of the business. A big component of this assessment process is risk management; it helps the business managers in making informed decisions for their organization. Global Sourcing:? Organizations are always looking for ways to drive more value from their procurement and operations. This could be due to pressure from demanding customers, the emergence of lower-cost competition from global sources, or the complexity of supply chains. Successful organizations have realized the impact of Global sourcing as a strategy to improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of their supply chains. Operations Management:? Operations management is an area of business aimed at ensuring maximum efficiency within a business, which in turn helps to improve profitability. It is concerned with planning, organizing and supervising, producing, manufacturing or the provision of services. Demand Planning:? Determining the proper amount of inventory for a particular item is similar to balancing a scale. It is important to assess the benefits of carrying larger amounts of inventory against the drawbacks and risks of carrying that inventory. Managers should carefully assess several factors that may tip the balance toward higher or lower amounts for a given product or part. Demand planning provides supply chain professionals with the required tools to make these complex inventory decisions. Capacity Planning and Scheduling:? Capacity is the maximum output of an organization, piece of equipment, or worker. On a micro level, working with existing facilities and equipment to maximize and equalize utilization can make a huge difference in the profitability of a business. Capacity management is a critical component of long-term decision making because it is a fundamental part of all facility investment decisions, which are difficult to change or reverse. Project Management:? This course introduces students to a wide variety of project management subjects.? It is designed to give students a basic working knowledge of project management terminology and concepts. Lean Management:? The concepts of lean production were originally developed for manufacturing automobiles; the same principles and techniques can be applied to companies operating in other industries. Lean thinking is a mindset that focus on waste elimination and variability reduction in all business processes. Furthermore, the vast majority of lean production concepts can be easily applied in service-sector applications as well. Performance Measurement:? Performance measurement introduces you to the dimensions of supply chain performance metrics, discuss how these metrics are developed, define methods for classifying supply chain metrics, and develop quantitative tools. The purpose of Performance measurement in supply chain is to link performance of your supply chain to the financial performance of the organization. Professional Skills:? Prepares students with every aspect of their transition into their new career by identifying and teaching essential business and interpersonal skills.? Students receive in class lectures, as well as a private one-on-one appointment with a Career Services specialist to perfect their resume package and interviewing skills. WHY THIS PROGRAM? There are numerous job opportunities for supply chain managers, warehouse managers, and logistics personnel. Training as a supply chain manager provides an opportunity to work in local or international businesses which are small, medium, or large in size. Our faculty are skilled with years of valuable experience to help you focus your skill development in areas which employers seek. This provides students with the knowledge and confidence that they will need to start a supply chain career in this ever growing job market. ASSOCIATED NATIONAL OCCUPATION CLASSIFICATION (NOC) CODES After earning a Diploma in Supply Chain and Logistics Management, you are eligible for positions falling under the following NOC Codes: NOC ? 1521 Shippers and receivers NOC ? 1523 Production logistics coordinators NOC ? 1524 Purchasing and inventory control workers NOC ? 1526 Transportation route and crew schedulers NOC ? 1225 Purchasing agents and officers Common Job Titles which you can apply for include ? Freight Receiver, Freight Shipper, Material Management Officer, Procurement Officer, Purchasing Agent, Supply Chain Co-Ordinator, Import Freight Clerk, Receiver, Shipper, Shipper-Receiver, Shipping Agent, Shipping and Receiving Clerk, and Supply Chain Assistant. JOB FUNCTIONS Determine method of shipment and arrange shipping; prepare bills of lading, customs forms, invoices and other shipping documents manually or by computer. Assemble containers and crates, record contents manually or by computer, pack goods tbe shipped and affix identifying information and shipping instructions. Oversee loading and unloading of goods from trucks or other conveyances. Inspect and verify incoming goods against invoices, record shortages and reject damaged goods. Unpack, code and route goods t appropriate storage areas. Maintain internal, manual or computerized record-keeping systems. Compile detailed worksheets and specifications from customer’s order. Estimate type and quantity of materials and labour required for production, construction and other projects. Consult with production supervisor tschedule production runs in a cost and time-efficient manner. Meet with other production clerks, warehouse, production and construction supervisors and purchasing and inventory clerks to co-ordinate activities between warehouses and production floors or construction sites. Co-ordinate and monitor logistics of the movement of parts, supplies and materials within an establishment and ensure that supplies, materials and products are shipped and received on schedule. Prepare and maintain various reports on the progress of work, materials used, rates of production and other production information, using manual or computerized systems. Review requisition orders for accuracy and verify that materials, equipment and stock are not available from current inventories. Source and obtain price quotations from catalogues and suppliers and prepare purchase orders. Calculate cost of orders and charge or forward invoices tappropriate accounts, and Monitor inventory levels as materials, equipment and stock are issued, transferred within an establishment or sold. JOB REQUIREMENTS Supply Chain and Logistics Managements ship, receive and record the movement of parts, supplies, materials, equipment and stock to and from an establishment. They are employed in the public sector and by retail and wholesale establishments, manufacturing companies, and other commercial and industrial establishments. Production logistics co-ordinators co-ordinate and expedite the flow of work and materials within an establishment, prepare work and production schedules and monitor the progress of production and construction projects. Production clerks are employed by manufacturing and construction companies, printing and publishing companies and other industrial establishments. Purchasing and inventory control workers process purchasing transactions and maintain inventories of materials, equipment and stock. They are employed by retail and wholesale establishments, manufacturing companies, government agencies and other establishments. EMPLOYMENT AREAS & PROSPECTS The Supply Chain and Logistics Management program develops skills which provide you with the opportunity of employment in any small or large local, national or international business setting.

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