Service Dog and Canine Studies Management

Admissions Open

Medicine Hat College (MHC) is positioned to be the first post-secondary institution in Canada to offer a Service Dog and Canine Management diploma.

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Medicine Hat College

Program Categories


Program Duration

2 Years

Program Intakes


Class Type



Alberta Student Aid, Scholarship, Bursary

About this Program

Medicine Hat College (MHC) is positioned to be the first post-secondary institution in Canada to offer a Service Dog and Canine Management diploma.
Launching in Fall 2022, this two year program prepares students for a variety of careers ranging from owning and operating a kennel, dog grooming business or training operation, to training dogs that assist individuals living with a variety of disabilities including autism, PTSD, diabetes, epilepsy, those who are hard of hearing, or have?physical or medical disabilities.
Work integrated learning will be an integral part of the experience, providing students on the job training. Learners will have an opportunity to work directly with the dogs, which will be placed with an actual client at the end of their schooling.
Program Outcomes
Canine Studies
CANINE KNOWLEDGE: Identify canine ethology, developmental stages, psychology, physiology, body language, factors of canine wellness, basic veterinary care, the specifics of breeding, raising, and selecting behaviourally and anatomically sound service dogs.

REGULATORY: Outline the legal and ethical requirements and regulations involved in the placement of service dogs with individuals with a variety of medical disabilities.
TRAINING: Apply learning theory, individualized dog training, handling & husbandry best practices, and be able to communicate and demonstrate these training techniques to others.
ETHICS: Apply ethical training and humane husbandry methods to produce canines that have a positive impact on clients.

The Human-Canine Interface
Communicate clearly and concisely in written, spoken, and visual forms that meets the needs of service dog clients and the needs of the canine business through:
Written communication

Assess canines and clients through detailed observations and note-taking.
Compose business plans, marketing plans, and fundraising letters.

Oral communication

Explain dog behaviour, training techniques and their rationale.
Identify and coach improper handling techniques.
Demonstrate competence in public speaking to various stakeholder groups.

Visual communication

Model complex training techniques using demonstrations and common language to large groups of people who do not have any formal dog training skills

Listening and observation

Observe, diagnose, and respond to human and canine body language

Business Operations
ACCOUNTING: Build and manage a budget and accounting plans to maintain the canine business, equipment, facilities, and human resources.
MARKETING: Construct powerful marketing messages to promote a canine business in a positive manner through various media channels.
FUNDRAISING: Employ proven practices in fundraising necessary to make canine businesses profitable and sustainable.
CAREER: Assess personal suitability to a number of employment-related opportunities in the service dog field, including canine care and training positions, service dog placement specialists, and fundraisers.

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