Office Assistant

Admissions Open

The office assistant course program provides students with a general business foundation and analytical skills necessary to effectively function in the various technical and operational aspects of business or to start their own business. Participants will gain valuable and comprehensive knowledge that reflects the most current practices and emerging trends in today's dynamic global environment.

Additional information


British Columbia


Brighton College

Program Categories


Program Duration

12 Weeks

Program Intakes
Class Type



StudentAid BC, Line Of Credit, Grants

Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this program the successful student will have the ability to:

Demonstrate strong communication skills both in written and oral presentation
Use Word to create a professional document
Use Excel to create spreadsheets and use the calculation functions
Demonstrate strong communication skills both in written and oral presentation
Develop effective job searching strategies
Perform office tasks such as data entry, document filling, and other receptionist?s activities
Deliver effective customer service
Describe financial record maintenance activities that commonly take place in an office environment
Create and optimize profiles and business pages for popular social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest

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