Medical Terminology|12 weeks (one evening class a week)

Admissions Open

This program presents a study of basic medical terminology structured around a survey of systems of the human body in health and disease.

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The Learning Company

Program Categories


Program Duration

12 Weeks

Program Intakes


Class Type



12 weeks (one evening class a week)

This program presents a study of basic medical terminology structured around a survey of systems of the human body in health and disease.
Abbreviations are emphasized and introduced with the terminology appropriate to each system. Prefixes, suffices, word roots, combining forms, special endings, plural forms, and relevant symbols are included in the content.
A word building approach is used to learn word parts for constructing and analyzing new terms. This provides the opportunity to decipher unfamiliar terms and check their spelling. Emphasis is placed on spelling, definition, usage, and pronunciation.
The successful student will acquire the foundation for fluency in modern medical language and will have demonstrated an ability to apply this language to the workplace and life situations with precision, accuracy, and clarity.

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