Massage Therapy

Admissions Open

Did you know that the demand for a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) has increased by 20% in Canada, over the last decade? If this statistic sounds promising, and you?re looking to pursue a career in the field, then triOS College?s Massage Therapy program is the right fit for you.

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Program Categories


Program Duration

88 Weeks

Program Intakes
Class Type



Refugee Bursary

Did you know that the demand for a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) has increased by 20% in Canada, over the last decade? If this statistic sounds promising, and you?re looking to pursue a career in the field, then triOS College?s Massage Therapy program is the right fit for you.
Massage therapy can be used to promote physical and psychological well-being in children and adults of all ages. It helps reduce stress, relieve pain, improve physical dysfunction, and reduce the side effects of strains, sprains, hypertensions, arthritis, and other ailments. Whether you wish to assist patients with relaxation or their recovery process, our Massage Therapy diploma program will provide you with the hands-on experience you need to succeed in this profession. Your in-class sessions will teach you about the anatomy of the human body, how to conduct clinical assessments, massage techniques, about remedial exercises and much more. In this program, you will practice your skills through clinical hours scheduled at your campus. The quality of our Massage Therapy program has received preliminary accreditation from the Canadian Massage Therapy Council for Accreditation (CMTCA) at our Toronto, Hamilton, London, Mississauga, Windsor and Kitchener campuses.
triOS has developed the Massage Therapy diploma program with experienced healthcare professionals to give you everything you need to flourish as an RMT in the healthcare field.?
Students enrolled in this program will receive:
440 clinical hours for hands-on training.
Participation in a program that is recognized by the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario.
1-on-1 career assistance.
The Massage Therapy diploma program is offered at the Toronto, Hamilton, London, Mississauga, Brampton, Windsor and Kitchener campuses.?
triOS diplomas will be granted only to students who successfully complete all courses in the program with a passing grade of either 60% or 70% (or a grade of ?complete? where applicable). Core Massage Therapy courses have a passing score of 70%, while general education courses have a passing grade of 60%. As well, students must meet the minimum Standards of Satisfactory Scholastic Progress as set out in our Student Handbook. For programs that include an internship, all internship hours must be completed and a final grade of ?Pass? must be achieved for the internship.

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