Engineering and Fabrication Technologies

Admissions Open

Are you a creative person with big ideas? Looking for a career that will challenge you? Engineers are responsible for solving many of the challenges of modern life. As an engineer, you have the ability to create anything you want ? from key rings to robots to airplanes ? by using your knowledge of science and mathematics.

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British Columbia


Douglas College

Program Categories


Program Duration

2 Years

Program Intakes

September, January

Class Type



StudentAid BC, Bursary, Scholarship, Line Of Credit


Are you a creative person with big ideas? Looking for a career that will challenge you? Engineers are responsible for solving many of the challenges of modern life. As an engineer, you have the ability to create anything you want ? from key rings to robots to airplanes ? by using your knowledge of science and mathematics.
In the first year of the two-year Diploma in Engineering and Fabrication Technologies program, you will complete the academic courses required for the first year of a bachelor?s degree in engineering at a university. In the?second?year of the program, you?ll develop practical skills in design and prototyping?in our fabrication?lab?using industry-standard equipment.?If you transfer to university to complete a bachelor?s degree in engineering,?these?practical skills will give you?a?competitive edge?when applying for?co-operative education placements. You?ll gain experience constructing and programming robots, using Raspberry Pi to control mechanical devices and using cutting-edge fabrication technologies such as water jet cutters and laser cutters.
Transfer to university
All academic courses in the Diploma in Engineering and Fabrication Technologies program are university transferrable, and will fulfil the requirements for the first year of a bachelor?s degree in engineering at most universities in BC.
Completion of the courses in the Diploma in Engineering and Fabrication Technologies program, along with meeting a minimum GPA, satisfies the requirements of the UBC Engineering Transfer Program and can make you eligible for a seat in the second-year of UBC?s Engineering degree program.?See the more information tab for full eligibility details.
In addition, if you meet the minimum GPA and course completion requirements, you are also eligible for a guaranteed seat in the second-year of the UVic engineering degree program.?See the more information tab for full eligibility details.

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