Educational Assistant Certificate

Admissions Open

Learn how you can play a key role in breaking down the barriers of learning through Keyano College's Educational Assistant Certificate program. Attending school can be a great adventure for many students, but for some it can be a difficult experience. This hands-on program will prepare you to support all students including those with learning challenges and special needs in school environments and community settings.

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Keyano College

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Alberta Student Aid

Learn how you can play a key role in breaking down the barriers of learning through Keyano College’s Educational Assistant Certificate program. Attending school can be a great adventure for many students, but for some it can be a difficult experience. This hands-on program will prepare you to support all students including those with learning challenges and special needs in school environments and community settings.

Applications are accepted for the Fall semester only. Please submit your application as soon as possible as many programs fill up quickly.

Apply practical skills to your career
Our graduates are able to:

Learn and develop strategies for guiding behavior
Apply and understand strategic adaptation and accountability
Understand specific disabilities and how they impact children’s learning and development
Support curriculum in language learning , literacy, reading and numeracy
Observe and analyze social, cognitive and moral development

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