Cybersecurity, M.S.

Admissions Open

Help companies around the world keep important data safe, limit risks, and recover from attacks with the Cybersecurity, M.S. This program is ideally suited for those with engineering or computer science undergraduate degrees.


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British Columbia


New York Institute Of Technology

Program Categories


Program Duration

2 Years

Program Intakes

January, May, September

Class Type



StudentAid Bc

What You?ll Learn
Help companies around the world keep important data safe, limit risks, and recover from attacks with the Cybersecurity, M.S. This program is ideally suited for those with engineering or computer science undergraduate degrees.
You?ll design, implement, and maintain software tools to support network security across multiple operating systems, overseeing the information lifecycle of an organization from planning and acquisition to implementation. You?ll also study algorithm concepts, computer forensics, risk management and legal issues, and intrusion detection and hacker exploits.
You?ll then put classroom-learned theory into practice through hands-on projects and research?some completed side-by-side with leading faculty working on innovations in areas including biometrics, conceptual modeling, cryptography, cyber behavioral authentication, genomic computation, mobile and cybersecurity, and swarm intelligence.
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