Advanced Care Paramedic

Admissions Open

Advanced Care Paramedics (ACPs) are vital team members of the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) who provide advanced life support, medical and trauma care in a variety of health-related settings. The ACP program is an advanced care level diploma. This two year?blended learning program offers students...

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Keyano College

Program Categories


Program Duration

2 Years

Program Intakes
Class Type

Alberta Student Aid

Advanced Care Paramedics (ACPs) are vital team members of the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) who provide advanced life support, medical and trauma care in a variety of health-related settings. The ACP program is an advanced care level diploma. This two year blended learning program offers students the opportunity to remain in their respective communities for the majority of their educational program. Graduates can then apply their acquired knowledge and skills within the scope of an ACP to various health related settings.

Applications are accepted for Winter semester only. Please submit your application as soon as possible as many programs fill up quickly.

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