Our graduates gain?an in-depth knowledge of the subject and learn how to:??Perform ultrasound procedures in an efficient and timely manner.??Record correct medical history, correctly perform ultrasound examination and document findings using correct medical terminology and standard abbreviations. Apply the principles of ultrasound physics and instrumentation be able to achieve high quality and diagnostically helpful ultrasound study.??Apply the principles of ultrasound physics and instrumentation be able to achieve high quality and diagnostically helpful ultrasound study.??Evaluate images for normal and abnormal findings by integrating knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology and?prepare?sonographer impression and report for submission to the interpreting physician.??Apply proper body mechanics and practice ergonomic techniques to ensure self and patient?s physical safety.??Establish effective, efficient and meaningful verbal and non-verbal communication with the patient, patient?s relatives and health care team members.??Apply appropriate critical thinking techniques in understanding and solving complex, unusual and exceptional problems/situations.??Furnish?safe, complacent and dignified environment to the patient in line with standards of practice and guidelines provided by professional and regulatory bodies like Sonography Canada and CMRITO.??Rigorously implement profession required infection control measures to protect self, the patient and coworkers against contagious disease processes.